The mission of Loma Linda University is to continue the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ. Consistent with the life and teachings of Jesus and our belief in a God of healing and redeeming love, the University maintains a safe and civil campus environment that promotes diversity, service and equal dignity and respect for all persons.

Loma Linda University is part of the higher education system of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The University鈥檚 heritage and ethos reflect a dedication of loving service to people of all backgrounds and identities. Loma Linda University is committed to creating and fostering an educational environment where all members of its community can thrive. Faith and learning are integrated in the curriculum and in student activities. Religious beliefs and tenets are woven into all aspects of institutional operations. This places the University within the educational plurality of the State of California.

The freedom to practice and express the University鈥檚 religious beliefs and tenets is recognized by the United States and California Constitutions. Other federal and state laws likewise support the opportunity for religious higher education institutions such as Loma Linda University to pursue their missions and integrate religious beliefs and tenets into campus life. For example, exemptions in Title IX and the California Equity in Higher Education Act2 support the University鈥檚 efforts to operate consistently with its religious beliefs and tenets by maintaining faith-based standards of behavior that all students, faculty and employees agree to follow as a condition of participation in our learning and healing community. Those standards may be found at the following on-line sites:


Student Handbook

Notwithstanding the permitted exemptions, and consistent with its commitments to diversity and service, Loma Linda University seeks to fully comply with Title IX and does not unlawfully discriminate in student admissions or employment on the basis of gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, age (over 40) disability, or veteran status.

1. 20 United States Code Sec 1681(a)(3); 34 Code of Federal Regulations Sec. 106.12

2.California Education Code Sec. 66270